This game is a personal project of mine that had been started after I had completed one of my other prototypes, Collision of Realms. The design is inspired by Overwatch/Paladins in concept, with the focus being on heroes and objectives. Having found out how fun the tether was during the creation of Collision of Realms, I figured it would be a fun mechanic for a player to utilize in a first-person shooter setting, alongside other mobility abilities similar to it.
For this project, I recreated the tether for use in 3D before working on a custom first person movement system using Unity's rigidbody physics. This system took a bit of time to finally finish, as with the lack of knowledge I had, I was constantly encountering small oversights, one of which being Unity's forces and how they have to be applied in order to allow an object to move along slopes. My work on this system has given me a very effective and re-useable script, which has come in handy across multiple projects, especially due to how easy it is to modify.
 After having a working player, with a tether, I figured the next important addition would be the addition of hit-scan weapons, with the included gun types of semi, full, and burst. This system runs using Unity's coroutines, with the mode being switchable in play. Alongside this, a modified version of this is also present, being a projectile launcher with its own specialized behaviors, such as charged shots similar to shooting a bow.

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